The Neo Dark Title Sequence is based on the best movies and series currently streaming. Our goal is to present a project that can grasp the attention of those in love with the Art Of The Title. We have the vision to give you the knowledge of this type of artwork and to make it possible for you to feel more intimate with what cinema has offered us as artists.
For reaching this goal, the project took so much time and effort by the analysis of motions and techniques used in those specific movies and series. Created by 3Motional.
This Project contains 30 unique scenes with 47 Texts and 39 Image_Holders. Smart color control is included with a color range controller for each text to provide you with the ability to control the second color in your sentences.
Easy to use
Very Fast Render
Customer Support
Resolution: Full HD
Smart Color Control Plus a Color Range Controller for each text
Does not require advanced skills in After Effects
Help guide is included: one document file plus one video tutorial
No music is included
AE Version: CC 2017 and above
Duration: 02:08 minutes
Frame Rate: 29.97p
Software Compatibility:
This video promo template is compatible with Adobe After Effects CC 2017, and all the latest versions of After Effects Creative Cloud. There are two Help guides, a Video, and a PDF to get you started.
Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need any further information!
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